Carol Mae Whittick

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50. Technology for Soulpreneurs with LaShanda Henry

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50. Technology for Soulpreneurs with LaShanda Henry Carol Mae Whittick

My guest on this weeks HER Conversations is LaShanda Henry founder of SistaSense, a company that provides predominantly Women Of Colour entrepreneurs with technology, online business training and mentorship. 

Every week I ask my guest to name the best piece of advice a woman has ever given them…

I consider LaShanda to be one of the forerunners of making money online. She began her ’accidental’ journey into entrepreneurship in the early 2000s, long before the social media platforms we take for granted existed and when building a website was only possible with code. 

With more people identifying as entrepreneurs and recognising the power of the internet to drive their business, expertise like LaShanda’s is invaluable. 

During this episode she shares why it's important to remember why your message is just as valid even if you are many other people providing similar services to you, her favorite online platform and where to begin when you are just starting out.  

Find out more about Lashanda