Carol Mae Whittick

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22. Akashic Reading & Shamanic Healing with Apinder Sidhu

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22. Akashic Reading & Shamanic Healing with Apinder Sidhu Carol Mae Whittick

Every week I ask my guests to recall the best piece of advice a woman has ever given them.

This weeks guest on HER Conversations is Apinder Sidhu who joins me for a fascinating discussion about her work which incorporates Shamanic Healing and accessing Akashic Records to help her clients.  

During our talk, Apinder explains what both Shamanic Healing and Akashic Records are and how these modalities entered into her life. 

We also talk about: 
Who we are as souls and how each of us has a vital role to play on Earth, even if some of us have to suffer or commit crimes. 
How her seemingly unrelated study of History as a student came to a powerful conclusion later on in her life.
And why for her working with a purpose and creating an impact creates a more fulfilling life. 

For more information about Apinder's work go to