166. Awakening Through Astrology with Yael T.W.


My guest this week is Yael T. W. She is a Debra Silverman Certified Astrologer, teacher and author.  For twelve years she led a successful financial career, but her spirit was not content. During search for answers, she explored Buddhism, occultism, meditation practices, and yoga.

Now as an astrologer, she helps her clients understand themselves better, love themselves, and live the life they want.

During this conversation, Yael shares how the magic and accuracy of astrology opened her eyes to herself and her unique perspective on astrology.

She also reads my chart which was not only a demonstration of her gift but brought a new level of clarity about my life to me.



167. Learning To Love Your Body with Marla Mervis-Hartmann


165. Soulful Entrepreneurship with Trang Nova