126. Are YOU Sleeping? with Carol Mae Whittick


There have always been people who have never adhered to the 'shoulds' the majority used to measure their success in life they have also seen through the constructs of society and instinctively known that what we have been told  never quite rang true.

These people were at best called 'free spirits' 'dreamers', but are usually mostly seen as, 'crazy' 'conspiracy theorists.' 

I am one of these people and for the most part, I rarely met anybody I could talk to about my worldview.

All this really shifted in 2020, when the pandemic narrative was foisted on the world. As the weeks of enforced lockdowns turned to months thousands and then millions of people  realised that something was not adding up. In spite of the constant barrage of fear-mongering in the media, backed up by propaganda in entertainment and from the mouths of previously lauded celebrities, people now with hours of their day available -  many for the first time in their adult lives - started to ask questions and, importantly, do their own research to find the answers. 

What many discovered was a shocking wake-up call. Almost all of what we were being told was untrue and it did not stop there this was a part of a much bigger plan, an agenda and the longterm outcome was not good for any of us. 

When you discover you have been lied to, it is difficult to have continued faith in the source that deceived you in the first place. So you question everything that the source previously convinced you of. The freshly awakened did that and again found the majority of the facts that they used to shape their reality to be false. Public figures,  timelines, and historical events all came under critical scrutiny and disintegrated in the face of logic and critical thinking.

Armed with new knowledge, many did what caring humans will always do. Protect the ones they care the most about and warn them about oncoming dangers but most were met with disbelief and derision. Those who could not see what their newly awakened peers could were still captured by the spell of the relentless media/entertainment machine that now infused them with an air of righteousness and blamed those not following along for the extended restrictions and supposed continuing spread of the virus.

In retaliation, the awakened labeled their attackers as 'sheep', 'normies'. Few longstanding relationships survived the divide.

As frustrating as it was to be among the awakened it was more traumatic to realise how deeply conditioned the masses were. How they placed  faith in distant figures over the people who knew them by name. The term Mass Formation Psychosis was used to describe the trance we witnessed people in.

They were asleep to what was really happening.

When the supposed cure was introduced and the awakened ones knew the dangers of the shots the division increased. The asleep willingly accepted the medication, multiple times, refusing to entertain the possibility that they were putting their lives in danger. To them, it was inconceivable that the governments and leading medical experts would  want to harm them. They fought to debunk the mounting information and warnings from any alternative voices, instead of questioning why they would be censored. And even when the coercion tactics to comply became more pressured and ridiculous, with people being offered money, food, or even sex to get the shot it raised no suspicions.

Time is the great revealer.

Now over two years later it is undeniable that the warnings of the awakened ones were not empty theories.

All that we have said has shown itself to be true.

Hundreds of thousands of people are now suffering as a result of 'doing the right thing' and we know that many more will suffer and die as a result. Although it will be cunningly denied by introducing another variant or some other condition. People who know, know. We can see the patterns. Those who willingly took the shot and have been unfortunate to suffer as a result are being silenced, but Even the flailing MSM has started to report on various 'sudden' and 'unexpected' deaths.

Again time will reveal that those who chose to hold their ground will be the ones who survive.

If we are able to get past the next challenges ahead of us.

While it may seem as if things are back to normal, which really means people are back to living life on automatic pilot. Those of us wake to the plans, all know that this is far from over.

At this point in time if you are not on speaking terms with a 'conspiracy theorist' it's time to swallow your pride and contact one.

The end goal of this agenda is for every citizen in society to be more heavily surveilled. To use only digital currency - cash will disappear. To be genderless and to ultimately merge with machines.

This is your potential future if you survive the forthcoming market crash, likely food shortages, and energy issues. And this is not about climate change- the world is not heating up!

All indications of this being imminent - and I mean months away - are right in front of you if you choose to pay attention.  There are hours of videos of the people who are orchestrating this confidently talking about what they are  plotting for our future. These are not archived poor-quality recordings - although people have been warning us for decades - they are as recent as the WEF meeting in May 2022. Available to view for anybody who has access to the internet!

Take a look around your supermarket the next time you visit. Does it seem as well stocked as usual? Are the prices changing? How much is fuel now?

If you are waiting for these things to be headline news then you really have not learned anything from the past two years.

MSM will tell you a version of events either by omission or outright lies. They direct your attention from one narrative to the next at lightning speed. Remember how overnight we went from pandemic to war?

Why? Because they are  owned by a few corporations that benefit from you knowing as little as possible and being a lifelong customer of what is being sold.  We all paid for the shots. Whether we took them or not.

A comment under one of my social media posts accused me of 'inspiring fear' and although the phrase itself makes no logical sense, I recognise what the person was trying to tell me.  It is something I have heard voiced in many different ways. Some think that thinking about this information is somehow manifesting it. Clearly not so as these things and many more are already happening.

So the question is what do we do about this?

First, turn off MSM. It is not there to inform or entertain you but to feed you a version of reality that keeps you ignorant and subservient.

Second, accept where we are and that things are not what we have believed them to be.

Third, prepare for the future to change. Prepare for tangible things such as food, energy, and cash to be scarce. While this could be the worst-case scenario, it is better to have what you think you need and not use it instead of needing what you cannot have.

More importantly, is to cultivate some form of spiritual practice. As the external world becomes more challenging we will only survive if we have a solid connection with God/Creator/Source/Universe.

Deep personal questioning and introspection will strengthen you and make you less susceptible to any psychological manipulation.  You will recognise inconsistencies, instinctively.

It will wake you up to the greatness within yourself. You will have the courage to speak up. To lead. To remain unflappable under any stresses. You may be the only one in your circle who does this but as you do others will be inspired to step up. This is what the world needs now. More individuals waking up to themselves and who they are.

Empowered individuals standing together to overturn the evil in this world!


127. The Process of Awakening with Blaise Kennedy


125. Inner Healing For External Liberation with Serap Enver