122. Awaken Alone, Awaken All! with Carol Mae Whittick


This episode is inspired by the many people who I have spoken to or messaged over these past couple of years.

People who are feeling isolated, lonely, misunderstood, ostracised, ridiculed.

People of all ages who are recognising the brutal reality of the world we have been entranced by are seeing that discovering truth creates a domino effect.

I spoke previously of resonance. Resonance is, to quote a dictionary definition, something that evokes an association, and association brings in words like connection, alliance, parallel, togetherness.

Discovering the truth of the world shifts your frequency.

Think about when you first started in your discovery, the buzz, and excitement you felt. The world was new. Even despite the darkest revelations. Your vibration shifted from the low drone of entrapment to something more stimulating, passionate, and real.

It was palpable. You were changed and people noticed.

You stood out and spoke out. Your confidence grew as you found this expanded space of YOU.

But not everybody gets there at the same time and those who witnessed this rapid change in you felt the loss. Not only of how they related to you but also the shift in their reality that they had not invited into their lives and were not prepared for. So they did the only thing they knew, sought safety, and rejected any challenge to that. And that included you!

The way of The World is to do as it says when it says you should and not to ask questions. If you do will be rewarded and live 'A Good Life.' But so many of us have known that this template does not work, for truly any of us, and have sat with the discomfort until it became unbearable and we made changes. The World knows this is a false ideal so presents us with distractions; entertainment, escapism, consumerism which most people willingly indulge in the suppress that underlying ever-present feeling of emptiness.

Because so few people will openly discuss their existential longings, the assumption is made by the individual that they are alone, even crazy.

And it can feel crazy when you begin to question your life and society when you are confident that things are not as you have been told they are. It is a space of mental limbo, not believing what you have believed and not yet knowing what the truth is. If you dare to stay in the openness of the question, the vacuum of no solid belief, the answer will be delivered to you. This is the joy you feel when you see the confirmation of your inquiry magically delivered to you. Your world shifts and so do you. This is the time when you disconnect from your old identity as one of the herd but unfortunately for you, society does not accept free-thinking individuals.

This time of rejection and the isolation that initially comes with it is painful, being alone initially will trigger our fear of abandonment. The World has provided direction and validation for our entire lives. If people agree it meant we were doing well and a good person.
Now people have decided that you are not doing well and not a good person, worse still you are a danger, selfish, crazy.

This is the test. Your test. Will you abandon your principles for the approval of others? Or will you stand up for yourself?
When you start to move and elevate yourself, people who are not on their own journey of expansion will have a harsh light thrown on their own stuckness. It is challenging. It is uncomfortable. It is inconvenient.
You have shown them an opportunity, a catalyst for them to change, but few will see it that way.

As we have witnessed and experienced for the past 2 years, people are unwilling to accept the truth that humanity is at war with evil. Even in the face of overwhelming and continuously mounting evidence. Life was blissful living in ignorance or to quote Mark Passio (I highly recommend researching his work) ignor-ance.
Awakening is an inside job and a solo endeavor. Power comes with responsibility. The responsibility to seek what works best for our lives. Our health, education. Far away from the crowd who only follow in the footsteps of others without wondering where and why they are wandering. They are lost, not you. As you pull away what you are experiencing is disorientation. Getting to know and trust your inner compass. Calibrating to the guidance of your soul, that knows the way and has been waiting patiently for you to tune in.
Your personal growth should be celebrated but first by you. Dig into getting to know who you could really be. Notice the spaces both physically and metaphorically you can now move into without being concerned that somebody else is getting triggered and judging you. It is the greatest discovery. Build on this. Recognise how sure and confident you feel. Acknowledge the times when you abandoned yourself and forgive all involved. Feel your strength rising and radiate that without apology.
People who truly love you allow you to be different. People content with themselves love to see others shine. The former suppressed version of yourself is all that society wanted for you. They wanted us all to play small and be ignorant. If you begin to change and that creates a problem, this is an indication that your relationship, whomever it was with, and however long you were connected was conditional. It functioned with an inhibited version of yourself. Why would people only be comfortable relating to you not being in your fullness?

Although it feels like you are doing this on your own you are not. Millions of people are experiencing this splitting off from the hypnosis of The World and discovering themselves. This is your initiation period. You will be so much stronger for it. Soon, people will need you and come to you. You will be able to guide them because you have experienced everything every one of us has to go through. We are helping each other out through this.
Feel into the strength you are now living from. Imagine everybody on the planet being that empowered and then coming together. We have to awaken alone before we all awaken.
We are where we are in this moment in time because we have allowed The World to lull us into complacency. Now at the final moment, it is leading us off into the abyss of servitude, unless we snap out of the trace and take full responsibility for ourselves as individuals who then as sovereign individuated people coordinate with similar souls to create the world we all deserve.


123. Letting Go, Learning and Awakened Leadership with Laura Jane Bolton


121. The Resonance Of Your Truth with Carol Mae Whittick