Time For Change

This past weekend the clocks changed.

British Summertime officially ended and we in the UK are now preparing ourselves for Winter.

One advantage of this is that the light mornings have monetarily returned and at the right vantage point you can witness some beautiful sunrises. 

One thought occurred to me this morning that also helped me to understand the concept of time as a construct even more - we are neither in or out of British Summertime.  

All that has happened is that an idea has been proposed and everybody has gone along with it. 

We could just as easily 'turn the clocks back' tomorrow as we will next March.

Do you see it? 

To me it is clearer than ever. 

Make a decision and get enough people to agree to what you propose and it become accepted as fact. 

Most never question the basics and assume that they are devoid of power and influence but the same applies. 

Assume an ideal. Believe in the idea and it becomes fact.

Matter of fact. 

Of course the harder part is to win the minds and hearts of many but all new ideas were once thought ridiculous. Even the idea of shifting the clocks around twice a year. 

So in effect you could change anything you wanted to anytime.  



Love yourself!


Thanks for reading. 

Please share ;) 


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