I State My Independence

I am about to embark on a very interesting and exciting journey.

Something I never thought I would be able to consider when I thought about my career as a recording musician. 

There has always, and to some extent still there still is, been two camps of musicians. 

The signed and the unsigned. 

Those granted the gift of a recording contract were the considered the fortunate ones. Musicians and artists who could enjoy their art and eat. The others, myself included, were unsigned, always eager to get the attention of somebody within the industry to give us a shot. Most kept trying, trying and trying until deciding that maybe fate had other things instore and it was time to get realistic about your 'career'. 

But something really amazing has happened. 

Technology. Change. Progress.  

The way that music is discovered and enjoyed is now the decision of the audiences and the musicians themselves. The choice and more importantly chance at producing art and making money is not only a possiblity but a growing reality. 

What will be interesting to see will be who grabs the opportunity and what they do with it. There can be no bemoaning of the big bad business men for the lack of a career. All there is now is an open road of possibility.

I do not consider myself unsigned or 'un' anything. There is no thought of lack in my mind at all. In fact now that I am not chasing permission to do what I do best I feel more empowered that I have ever done. 

So come join me and watch me as I navigate my way around and find and build an audience to entertain. You can tell everybody you were here first. 

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Love yourself! 


PS. If you like it please share it. 


Love Yourself!


If Anything Is Possible...