Hello World, Wide, Web!

(The following blog post was the first post I wrote on the CMW Blog before transferring the website in March 2015)

Please allow me to introduce myself. 

My name is Carol Mae Whittick. I am a Singer,Songwriter,Musician. 

I also consider myself to be a student of Life and a student for life. 

Finally, I am able to post all CMW music, news and views from one beautifully designed home. Thank you Nick and Max. This of course is just the beginning. I have so many ideas that are being worked on now but one thing at a time…

Over the coming weeks, months I will be telling the story of what got me to this stage of the project, introducing you to all the people who have helped and are helping to make this happen. I will also share the events, people and stuff that inspires me, motivates me, makes me laugh/cry. This is truly an exciting time to be a creator. The Internet has made it possible for artists like me to bring our work and our voices out and see who it connects with and build a relationship and community with like-minded people.

It will be interesting, it will be fun. I also wonder who it will make of me.

Curious? Come with me…

Love Yourself,



Quote Junkie